Products 1-13 of 13
LAP-BL-058, Cover Your Bases (Legal Issues in Sports/Event Marketing) (Download) BL:058, Sports Marketing, Business Law, Business Administration, LAP-BL-003
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-BL-058 -

There are many legal issues that affect the marketing of sports and events. Cover Your Bases (Legal Issues in Sports/Event Marketing) will teach your students some of the unique antitrust exemptions that apply to sports. This LAP also highlights the importance of risk management and contract law. Examples, videos, activities, and much more will help students become aware of the legal issues surrounding sports/event marketing. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional...

LAP-MK-012, The Wide, Wide World of Sports Marketing (Nature of Sports Marketing) (Download) MK:012, LAP-MK-005, LAP-BA-008
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-MK-012 -

Show your students how the growth of sports and sports marketing impacts the world. The Wide, Wide World of Sports Marketing (Nature of Sports Marketing) explains how the popularity of sports has created a diverse industry that impacts everyone from corporate sponsors to soccer parents. Anyone leading an active lifestyle or watching a sporting event can appreciate the fun that sports provide. This LAP includes activities, videos, and supplemented readings to show how sports marketing creates...

LAP-MP-007, A Winning Plan (Nature of Marketing Plans) (Download) MP:007, Market Planning, LAP-MP-001
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-MP-007 -

Marketing plans are essential tools for success in marketing and in business as a whole. This LAP explains the purpose, benefits, and components of a marketing plan.LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about the nature of marketing plans, a (So What?) discussion of why it's important to learn, ideas (Make...

LAP-PD-051, Score a Career in Sports and Event Marketing (Careers in Sports/Event Marketing) (Download) PD:051, LAP-PD-006, Professional Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PD-051 -

Events are everywhere! Whether they are large sporting events or small community picnics, events all create career opportunities in sports and event marketing. Score a Career in Sports and Event Marketing (Careers in Sports/Event Marketing) will show your students the different talents, skills, and interests that can help them excel in a variety of sports/event marketing careers. Activities, videos, and much more show students many careers available in sports/event marketing and how they can...

LAP-PI-047, Gauge Your Prices (Pricing the Sport/Event Product) (Download) PI:047, LAP-PI-007, Pricing, Sports Marketing
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PI-047 -

Many sports and event consumers look for prices that give them the most bang for their buck. Others are willing to pay top dollar for an elite product or to attend a big event. Teach your students the many factors that help marketers determine and establish prices for sport/event products. LAP-PI-047—Gauge Your Prices (Pricing the Sport/Event Product) explains price’s power to distinguish products, segment the market, and convince consumers to buy. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are...

LAP-PM-079, More Than a Ticket (Elements of Sport/Event Products) (Download) PM:079, LAP-PM-015, Product Management, Branding, Sports Marketing
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PM-079 -

Footballs, jerseys, concerts, and conventions are just a few of a wide range of sport/event products. The variety of these and other sport/event products, along with their unique characteristics, make sports/event marketing an interesting and challenging task. More Than a Ticket (Elements of Sport/Event Products) uses activities, videos, and more to teach students about special considerations when marketing sports, events, and other sport/event products. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are...

LAP-PM-139, Sign Here: Licensing for Profit (Licensing in Sport/Event Marketing) (Download) PM:139, LAP-PM-012, Product Management, Product Planning, Branding
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PM-139 -

Licensed sport products are around us every day. Sign Here: Licensing for Profit (Licensing in Sports/Event Marketing) teaches your students how the licensing system works, why trademarks are important, and how licensing differs from branding, sponsorship, and endorsement. This LAP will also help your students understand the differences between a licensor and a licensee, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both roles. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional...

LAP-PM-140, Play the Name Game (Celebrity Endorsements) (Download) PM:140, LAP-PM-013, Product Management, Branding, Sports Marketing, Promotion, Advertising
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PM-140 -

In today’s competitive market, businesses want to stand out, and one great way to get noticed is with celebrity endorsements. Use Play the Name Game (Celebrity Endorsements) to show your students why businesses spend millions to have superstars promote their products. This LAP will teach your students several types of endorsements, the advantages and disadvantages of celebrity endorsement, and the ways in which celebrities make consumers pay attention and buy promoted products. LAPs (Learning...

LAP-PM-153, Permission Granted (Developing a Sport/Event Licensing Program) (Download) PM:153, LAP-PM-014, Product Management, Product Planning, Branding, Sports Marketing, Marketing
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PM-153 -

Marketers in charge of developing sport/event licensing programs must do so with a great deal of care. In this LAP, students will learn the main legal considerations involved in licensing, including the basics of trademarking. Students will embark on a guided tour through the licensing process, discovering how to select licensees and draft strong license agreements. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented...

LAP-PR-136, Play to the Fans (Building Fan Support) (Download) PR:136, LAP-PR-019, Promotion, Sports Marketing
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PR-136 -

Show your students how sports/event businesses use PR and publicity to influence public perceptions. The images created by events, sports, and the athletes and entertainers who appear in them have a tremendous impact on fans. Play to the Fans (Building Fan Support) will teach your students the strategies sports/event businesses use to create and maintain a positive image, build goodwill, and manage unpredictable publicity through effective PR efforts. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are...

LAP-PR-175, Scoring Customers Through Sponsorships (Sports/Event Sponsorships) (Download) PR:175, LAP-PR-017, Promotion, Sports Marketing
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PR-175 -

Events of all types depend on sponsors for support. However, sponsors benefit, too! Scoring Customers Through Sponsorships (Sports/Event Sponsorships) explains the many benefits that sponsors receive. This LAP also explains the risks sponsors face and how they carefully select and pursue beneficial sports/event sponsorships. Activities, videos, and much more teach students how sponsorships can be a win-win—providing benefits both for sponsors and the sports/event organizations they support....

LAP-PR-187, Whats the Big Idea? ("Out-of-the-Box" Sales Promotions for Sports/Events) (Download) PR:187, LAP-PR-018, Promotion, Sports Marketing
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-PR-187 -

"Out-of-the-box” sales promotions catch people's attention, create excitement for the game or event, and stand out from the crowd of competitors. Teach your students how to identify great ideas for these one-of-a-kind opportunities with LAP-PR-187—What’s the Big Idea? (“Out-of-the-Box” Sales Promotions for Sports/Events). LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student...

LAP-SE-321, Make the Match (Selling Sponsorships) (Download) SE:321, LAP-SE-127, Sports Marketing, Promotion
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
MBA Research Item #: LAP-SE-321 -

Sponsorships provide a wealth of benefits to both sponsors and sports/event organizations. Make the Match (Selling Sponsorships) explains the profitable nature of sponsorship agreements and teaches students the step-by-step method for selling sponsorships successfully. This LAP includes examples, activities, video links, and more—all focused on the dynamics of selling sponsorships in sports/event marketing. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include...