Products 145-168 of 330
LAP-EI-014, Control Yourself! (Demonstrating Self-Control) (Download) EI:025, Emotional Intelligence, Work-based Learning, Co-op Work Experience, Human Relations
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-014 -

Developing self-control requires a lot of self-discipline, patience, and practice, but it can be done! This LAP explains why keeping one’s cool is so important and also shows how to develop and exhibit self-control. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about demonstrating self-control, a (So What?)...

LAP-EI-903, Grin and Bear It (Using Feedback for Personal Growth) (Download) EI:003, LAP-EI-015, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Professional Development, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-903 -

Everybody receives feedback, whether it’s in a report card, a performance evaluation, or simply a conversation with a customer. This LAP describes different types of feedback and explains how everyone can learn to better handle criticism. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about using feedback for...

LAP-EI-909, Lead the Way (Concept of Leadership) (Download) EI:009, LAP-EI-016, Emotional Intelligence, Professional Development, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-909 -

Leadership is important in many areas of life. We rely on strong leaders for ourselves, and often, others rely on us for leadership as well. Help your students explore the need for good leadership in the workplace. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about leadership, a (So What?) discussion of why it's...

LAP-EI-902, Assess for Success (Assessing Personal Strengths and Weaknesses) (Download) EI:017, LAP-EI-017, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Careers, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-902 -

We all work best when we capitalize on our strengths and minimize our weaknesses. This LAP explains how self-assessments can help people increase opportunities for career success, ace their interviews, make better decisions, work well in teams, and more! LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about assessing...

LAP-EI-008, Assert Yourself (Assertiveness) (Download) LAP-EI-018, EI:008, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Work-based Learning, Co-op Work Experience, Community-based Learning
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-008 -

Finding the happy medium between aggressiveness and passiveness is the key to “win-win” situations in the workplace! This LAP explains why assertiveness is so important and explains the steps anyone can take to become more assertive. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about assertiveness, a (So What?)...

LAP-EI-911, Its a Group Thing (Consensus Building) (Download) LAP-EI-019, EI:011, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-911 -

In any group situation, it can be hard for everyone to agree—that’s where consensus building comes in! This LAP explains what consensus is and isn’t, the advantages and disadvantages of using it, and the steps any group can take to build consensus. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about consensus...

LAP-EI-036, Everyone’s Worthy (Treating Others With Dignity and Respect) (Download) EI:036, Emotional Intelligence, Equity, Business Behavior, Interpersonal Skills, Co-op, Workplace, LAP-EI-020
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-036 -

Treating others with respect and dignity is an important skill to have, at school or in the workplace. This LAP explains the ways people are different and how to treat them respectfully, no matter what. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about treating others with dignity and respect, a (So What?)...

LAP-EI-021, Make the Honor Role (Acting Responsibly) (Download) EI:021, Emotional Intelligence, Character Development, Co-op, Workplace, LAP-PD-007
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-021 -

What do honesty, respect, fairness, accountability, and courage have in common? They are the essential elements of responsible behavior! Use Make the Honor Role to teach your students about these must-have personality traits, the importance of acting responsibly, and how to be responsible at home, at school, and on the job. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student...

LAP-EI-005, Start the Revolution (Leading Change) (Download) LAP-EI-022, EI:005, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-005 -

Leading change is an important life and professional skill. Teach your students what it means to lead change with Start the Revolution. This LAP covers how anyone can lead change by taking action, the qualities of effective leaders, the importance of communication, and how to handle resistance. Videos of teen leaders in action offer inspiration. Activities include opportunities to identify effective leadership skills and examine situations that require change leadership. LAPs (Learning...

LAP-EI-006, Go With the Flow (Demonstrating Adaptability) (Download) LAP-EI-023, EI:006, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Development, Workplace, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-006 -

Your students regularly experience change, but how well do they deal with it? Go With the Flow explains how being adaptable can help students deal with new situations in positive ways that help them learn, grow, and achieve. They’ll also learn the negative consequences of resisting change. This LAP includes activities and videos explaining how a flexible attitude can help students achieve success in many areas of life. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages...

LAP-EI-041, Bring Out the Best (Coaching Others) (Download) EI:041, LAP-EI-024, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Personal Development
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-041 -

Coaching is a life skill used to help others achieve more in life, not just on the court or on the field. Share Bring Out the Best with your students so they can learn the traits and skills needed to effectively coach others, as well as the coaching process itself. Videos of coaches in action from students to professionals show that anyone has the potential to coach others. Activities include reflecting on effective coaches, creating a coaching plan, and more. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages)...

LAP-EI-028, Keep Your Cool (Stress Management) (Download) EI:028, LAP-EI-025, Emotional Intelligence
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-028 -

Stress is something we all deal with from time to time, but too much stress can lead to burnout. With this LAP, your students will learn what stress is, how it can be harmful, and how employees and employers can manage it. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about stress management, a (So What?)...

LAP-EI-060, Vision Quest (Enlisting Others in Vision) (Download) EI:060, Emotional Intelligence, Management, Leadership, LAP-EI-013
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-060 -

Successful organizations have clear visions for their futures. But what makes a shared vision successful? This LAP explains the difference between organizational visions and team visions, shows what an effective vision looks like, and describes what team leaders can do to “sell” people on their company’s vision. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with...

LAP-EI-912, Win Them Over (Persuading Others) (Download) EI:012, LAP-EI-121, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Ethics, LAP-QS-010
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-912 -

Persuading people isn’t the same as forcing them to agree with you—in fact, it’s a skill that requires effort, attention, and practice! This LAP explains the uses of persuasion, the steps it takes to become persuasive, and the techniques anyone can use to become more persuasive. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes...

LAP-EI-123, Rules To Live By (Nature of Ethics) (Download) EI:123, Emotional Intelligence, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Co-op
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-EI-123 -

Being ethical takes a lot more than just doing what’s legal. As this LAP explains, being ethical means doing what’s right, no matter what—even when no one is looking! The LAP also explains the importance of ethical principles, describes the consequences of unethical behavior, and explores the key principles that help with ethical conduct. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes...

LAP-NF-001, Record It (Business Records) (Download) NF:001, Information Management, Budgeting, Recordkeeping, Business Basics, Business Functions
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-NF-001 -

Business interactions produce a great deal of information. Some documents arrive on paper. Others arrive as email or are produced and stored on company computers. Regardless of how records are created or arrive, important documents need to be kept for future reference. Businesses maintain records for financial, legal, and employee matters as well as tax purposes. This LAP explains why certain records are kept and also explains the methods for doing so. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are...

LAP-NF-015, Get the 4-1-1 (Conducting an Environmental Scan) (Download) NF:015, Information Management, LAP-NF-002
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-NF-015 -

Environmental scanning, which involves gathering information about a business’s surroundings, analyzing that information, and determining its future impact, helps business leaders adapt their strategies to capitalize on opportunities and minimize threats. Proactive business leaders regularly scan their business environment so they can adapt strategies to remain competitive in an ever-changing market. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all...

LAP-NF-110, In the Know (Nature of Information Management) (Download) NF:110, Information Management, LAP-NF-003
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-NF-110 -

All businesses rely on information for decision-making and other important business activities. Successful businesses learn to manage information efficiently and effectively through the use of people, processes, and technology. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about the nature of Information...

LAP-NF-003, TECH-tastic (Technologys Impact on Business) (Download) LAP-NF-004, NF:003, Information Management
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-NF-003 -

Teach your students about some of the technologies that modern businesses use, as well as the ways that technological innovation has altered and influenced the business world. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about technology's impact on business, a (So What?) discussion of why it's important to learn,...

LAP-MP-007, A Winning Plan (Nature of Marketing Plans) (Download) MP:007, Market Planning, LAP-MP-001
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-MP-007 -

Marketing plans are essential tools for success in marketing and in business as a whole. This LAP explains the purpose, benefits, and components of a marketing plan.LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission) that includes information about the nature of marketing plans, a (So What?) discussion of why it's important to learn, ideas (Make...

LAP-MP-001, Pick the Mix (Nature of Marketing Strategies) (Download) LAP-MP-002, MP:001, Market Planning
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-MP-001 -

Goals, strategies, and tactics are important whether you’re planning a vacation or marketing products to customers. This LAP shows how marketers choose the best road—or marketing strategy—to get where they need to go. It also explains how the four elements of the marketing mix work together. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a student handout (with CopyIT! permission)...

LAP-MP-003, Have We Met? (Market Identification) (Download) MP:003, Market Planning, Marketing
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-MP-003 -

Do your students understand the word “market,” and how it is used to describe mass groups of consumers as well as smaller, more specific groups? Have We Met? (Market Identification) explains mass marketing and market segmentation, with examples from the NBA and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It also includes target-marketing activities to engage students in examining consumers’ traits and purchasing motives. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages...

LAP-MP-010, Analyze This! (SWOT Analysis) (Download) MP:010, LAP-MP-004, Market Planning, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Management, Marketing, LAP-IM-008
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-MP-010 -

Just as people have personal goals and ambitions, businesses have their own goals for corporate success. One way that companies measure their progress toward their goals is by evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). LAP-MP-010 Analyze This! (SWOT Analysis) teaches students how to conduct a SWOT analysis for businesses as well as the benefits of SWOT analysis for long-term success. In the activities, students will have the opportunity to conduct SWOT analyses...

LAP-MP-013, Futurecast (The Nature of Sales Forecasts) (Download) MP:013, LAP-MP-005, Market Planning, Marketing, Sales Management, Selling
Price: $68.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: LAP-MP-013 -

Just as weather forecasts help you plan your week, sales forecasts enable businesses to better prepare and plan for the future. This LAP explains the different types of sales forecasts, how they work, factors that influence them, and the ways in which sales forecasting benefits all businesses, from startups to seasoned companies. LAPs (Learning Activity Packages) are comprehensive instructional packages that include all elements of a performance-oriented lesson plan. This LAP includes a...